Here are ways faculty and staff can help:
Have mental health and crisis resources available in your office space, suite and department.
- Hotlines and general mental health resources
- Health care and health care emergencies
- Housing and food insecurities
- Academic Success Kit (ASK)
- Campus Resource Guide
Review the syllabus template each year to assure Title IX, Student Disability Resource Center, and Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services are listed.
Be mindful in the development of your curriculum and in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Engage in professional development opportunities and request a workshop to help educate on the needs of students with mental health challenges.
Encourage access to mental health resources by referencing messages from the Dean of Students Office.
Learn more about how we have widened access to medical and mental health services by offering telephonic care, increased MCAPS evening hours and expanding group therapy and workshop topics.
Onboard new colleagues, Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants with the student employee training modules.
Routinely ask students and colleagues to check in on themselves using an anonymous Mental Health Screening available on the Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services website (Take anonymous screening).
Encourage your students to engage in counseling early to avoid longer wait times later in the semester, and to become familiar with their health insurance policies and community providers covered by their carrier.
Encourage students to complete satisfaction surveys so that we can improve our services.
Reference and practice use of the Live Safe and CGU Safety Resource Card.
Mentor healthy behaviors by taking care of yourself.