Patricia Easton
Professor of Humanities
Research Interests: Philosophy, History of modern philosophy, Philosophy of mind, History of science

Marcus Weakley
Director, Center for Writing & Rhetoric
Clinical Assistant Professor, Transdisciplinary Studies
Andrew (Andy) Vosko
Member of the Faculty, Biomedical Science, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Andrew Vosko was the Associate Provost and Director of Transdisciplinary Studies (2017 – 2024), and currently serves as an informal member of the Transdisciplinary Studies Program Advisory Board.
My academic training and career have always bridged fields, and I am passionate about bridge-building across academic lines. As an undergraduate student, I studied Japanese classical literature alongside the biological nature of addiction; as a graduate student, I applied oscillation theory to the study of neural circuits for my dissertation; and as a medical science educator, I taught neuroanatomy through the lenses of philosophy and art. At CGU, I am excited to facilitate opportunities, tools and spaces for boundary-crossing and collaboration, serving as associate provost and director of the Transdisciplinary Studies program.
I came to transdisciplinary studies by way of “inter-professionalism”—a way of applying and integrating knowledge from diverse healthcare practitioners for improved, patient-centered care. As a basic scientist in medical education, I saw that integrating different knowledge domains, including across cognitive, situated, and embodied knowledges, was necessary for interprofessional success. Transdisciplinarity provides the theoretical basis and practical foundation for this kind of integration. At CGU, transdisciplinarity is in our DNA.

- Degrees
PhD, Neuroscience, UCLA
BS, Biopsychology, University of Michigan