To see the dates of all of our events, and to register for them, please visit our events page.
Weekend Dissertation Boot Camps
The final step of many doctoral degrees is usually the longest single written piece graduate scholars have produced up to that point. Usually, this process also comes with a range of challenges that include both developing and refining the content of a project as well as producing its final expression–something that requires a combination of creativity, perseverance, and attention to detail. Unfortunately, like in other post-coursework phases, many dissertators feel isolated and struggle with developing sustainable and productive long-project writing habits.
Weekend dissertation boot camps provide a space for dissertators to focus solely on their writing with peers at the same stage. Using an adjusted version of the Pomodoro Technique, the weekend’s schedule is comprised of hour-and-a-half writing blocks interspersed with half-hour breaks and a community lunch with discussion on dissertation topics. Attendees learn goal-setting and writing plan techniques that are both applied to that weekend and presented in a way that facilitates use thereafter. Additionally, most weekends also offer an optional workshop on dissertation-related topics, such as chapter-length literature reviews, dissertation introductions, or cohesion and coherence. Running all day for both weekend days, each event structures in more than 10 hours of dedicated writing time!
We now offer dissertation boot camps 11 times each year.

Can I come?
Current CGU students who are ABD are eligible to attend the weekend boot camps. Space is limited and application review is generally first-come, first-served — but we do consider other factors to ensure that as many students as possible can participate. Proposal and Master’s thesis students will be considered after all ABD students’ applications have been reviewed.
How do I know if i’ve been accepted to attend?
We normally notify all applicants of their status via email on the Wednesday prior to the weekend camp. If we are unable to accept you, we can place you on a waiting list and will notify you of any spaces that become available as soon as possible.

Writing Retreats
The Center for Writing & Rhetoric Writing Retreats developed out of student requests for a community writing space similar to our dissertation boot camps, but for all students. Don’t let the name fool you! You do not have to have something to write to attend. Our Writing Retreats are one day long and are open to all students working on any kind of project, as long as it can be done in silence with others. Read, take notes, outline, write, revise, prepare for a presentation, or do any other kind of academic-related work with peers through structured work and break blocks and a community lunch. We offer Writing Retreats most months of the year.
Can I come?
All CGU students can attend!
How do I know if i’ve been accepted to attend?
We normally notify all applicants of their status via email on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the weekend camp. If we are unable to accept you, we can place you on a waiting list and will notify you of any spaces that become available as soon as possible.
Students of Color Retreats
Again, student requests drove the development of our Students of Color Writing Retreats. Through our Anti-Discrimination Pedagogy, we are dedicated to providing productive, safe spaces for students of color. Research has shown that students of color are more likely to leave graduate programs and take longer to graduate. We consider our SOC Retreats an important equity-based program that provides co- and intra-curricular academic student support. Like our Writing Retreats, the SOC Retreats are open to all Students of Color to work on any type of graduate school-related project. A CWR Writing Consultant facilitates goal-setting, work blocks, break, and a group lunch discussion.
For more information on our Anti-Discrimination Committees, please visit:
Can I come?
All CGU Students of Color can attend!
How do I know if i’ve been accepted to attend?
We normally notify all applicants of their status via email on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the weekend camp. If we are unable to accept you, we can place you on a waiting list and will notify you of any spaces that become available as soon as possible.
Qualifying Exam Preparation Weekends
The post-coursework period of a graduate degree is marked by less structure and the need for greater self-direction on the part of students. Often, this sudden shift is a challenge, and in many cases is accompanied by less social interaction with academic peers. The Center for Writing & Rhetoric’s Qualifying Exam Preparation Weekends provide community and a productive workspace for students in the qualifying exam phase as well as instruction on key topics relevant to many exams. Attendees have the option of devoting the entire weekend to structured work blocks or to attending a series of workshops integrated into the weekend on topics such as writing under pressure, organizing sources, developing exam questions, writing literature reviews, and more.
Can I come?
All CGU students in the qualifying exam stage are eligible to attend. Students in their last semester of coursework are encouraged to register and will be able to attend if space is available.
How do I know if i’ve been accepted to attend?
We normally notify all applicants of their status via email on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the weekend camp. If we are unable to accept you, we can place you on a waiting list and will notify you of any spaces that become available as soon as possible.