Supporting Resources
Tutoring Services

Checking Out a Laptop:
The Office of Information Technology offers workshop attendees the option to check out laptops in the Academic Computing Building that already have technological tools instructed by Digital Learning Lab Fellows installed unto them. To request a laptop, please email us at least 2 days in advance.

Access Tools Through CGU:
Though we offer multiple workshops on different software applications, please click the button below to check which ones are offered through CGU.

CGU Software Applications

Additional Help With Tools:
Please refer to our “Off-Campus Resources” page for external help with specific technological tools. Included are step by step Youtube videos, articles with examples and other supporting resources for you to refer to on your own time.

Questions, ideas, or feedback?
Email us at
(Please note that we do not list a phone number because the DLL is not staffed at all times. Email is the best form of contact.)

A collaboration by the Student Success Center, Preparing Future Faculty, Career Development Office, and the Office of Information Technology.

The Digital Learning Lab (DLL) recognizes that excellence in professional work, scholarship, research, and teaching today must pay attention to and integrate technology skills. We offer learning opportunities to help you understand and master technology that will support the work you do and develop your academic and professional knowledge and skills.

Services are free to all CGU students, alumni, faculty, and staff.


Contact Us

Address: 130 E 9th St, Claremont, CA 91711 [Third Floor]