March 28, 2024

CGU Club Spotlight: Machine Learning Club

The Machine Learning Club at Claremont Graduate University is an inclusive community where students can freely celebrate and participate in the field of machine learning, from current methods to potential future applications. Founded by Rylie Weaver, the club welcomes enthusiasts from all levels of expertise to explore the world of machine learning together. Recognizing the significant impact this technology holds for the future, the club is committed to making the exploration of machine learning valuable and accessible to CGU students of all levels, from technical experts to interested beginners.

One of the club’s key goals is to bring students together through engaging technical challenges. To this end, the club is thrilled to the announce the 1st annual CGU Datathon. The Datathon is a data science competition where participants will have the chance to develop and refine machine learning models as well as compete to achieve the best predictions on a testing dataset. This competition not only serves as a platform for showcasing talent but also as a beacon for collaboration and learning within the field.

The Machine Learning Club encourages all interested students to join the club and the upcoming Datathon April 27-28th. Follow the link CGU Datathon Registration ( to register for the Datathon or reach out via the club email for any questions. The Machine Learning Club looks forward to bringing more technical knowledge and curiosity to CGU one algorithm, and one line of code at a time.

