Supporting Resources
Tutoring Services

Checking Out a Laptop:
The Office of Information Technology offers workshop attendees the option to check out laptops in the Academic Computing Building that already have technological tools instructed by Digital Learning Lab Fellows installed unto them. To request a laptop, please email us at least 2 days in advance.

Access Tools Through CGU:
Though we offer multiple workshops on different software applications, please click the button below to check which ones are offered through CGU.

CGU Software Applications

Additional Help With Tools:
Please refer to our “Off-Campus Resources” page for external help with specific technological tools. Included are step by step Youtube videos, articles with examples and other supporting resources for you to refer to on your own time.

Questions, ideas, or feedback?
Email us at
(Please note that we do not list a phone number because the DLL is not staffed at all times. Email is the best form of contact.)

Workshop Schedule

Every semester the Digital Learning Lab prepares free workshops to help students, faculty, and staff members expand their knowledge of software programs. If there is a workshop topic you would like to see us offer, please email us at

Be sure to read our workshop attendance policy

Note: Designated worksheets must be completed to enter each workshop.  The worksheets will be emailed to you upon receiving your reservation email. ***You must complete all necessary worksheets to get DLL Workshop Zoom links***

DLL Workshops

LaTex Workshop

April 7, 2023


Learn how to type mathematics neatly in LaTeX . Learn advanced math, images, lists, and tables. As an intermediate session, previous LaTeX experience is expected (beginner session with individual exploration, class experience, or equivalent).

Excelling with Excel

April 7, 2023

1pm – 2pm

Beyond basic number crunching, a spreadsheet application offers many powerful possibilities for presentation and analysis. In this workshop we will review some computing and visualizing functions in Excel that are very useful to the user.

Data Cleaning with R

April 12, 2023

11am – 12pm

In this workshop, we will continue to learn how to clean and prepare our data for analysis using R. This includes renaming and relocating columns, handling missing values, and removing outliers. We will also introduce useful functions and libraries. Additionally, we will gain hands-on experience by practicing data cleaning together on a raw dataset during the workshop.

Intermediate session for people with basic knowledge of using R and R studio.

Strangle the Code – Python Seminar

April 28, 2023

11am – 12pm

Learn advanced Data Analysis and beginner Regression techniques in Python. As an advanced session, participants are expected to be proficient with python and some statistics (beginner/intermediate session with individual exploration, class experience, or equivalent) | (mean, median, variance, regression) 

Reserve your spot now and email us