A full list of communities on MyCGU is found on the Communities page. Links to the school communities found in SharePoint can be found on the Schools page.
- A full list of tutorials is in Sharepoint which requires a log in.
- A full list of forms is in Sharepoint which requires a log in.
Any content located on my.cgu.edu is publicly accessible. Communities hosted on the SharePoint platform require logging in with your CGU credentials. In addition, some pages hosted by The Claremont Colleges also require logging in. Items and applications linked from MyCGU that require a log in have a lock icon (
) next to them. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so when you click on those items.

For expired or forgotten password help, see this OIT page for instructions to Reset Password.
To update an existing password, see this OIT page for instructions to Change Password.
The full list of available applications on MyCGU can be found on the Tools & Applications page.
If the tool or application you’re looking for is not found on the Student, Faculty, or Staff Resource pages, and is not found on the Tools & Applications page, please contact the OIT Help Desk.
If you need to edit a school SharePoint community, contact the OIT Help Desk. If you need editing access to a community on my.cgu.edu, fill out this form from the Office of Marketing & Communications. You can also access the form from brand.cgu.edu.
You can find knowledgebase articles and links to submit helpdesk tickets on CGU Support site.