CGU has entered a contract for campus-wide installation of Electronic buttons, called ePanic buttons. Please install the ePanic button at your work computer.
Please click this PDF for directions for installation of the ePanic button and here is an instructional video: ePanic Button Video
The ePanic button elicits coworker response only for lower level emergencies. We are still using the regular physical panic button which elicits Campus Safety and Claremont Police Department response. Any high level emergency needs to go directly to Campus Safety.
We are compiling a list to find out who each staff and faculty member would contact in a “low level emergency.”
Some examples of low level emergencies include:
• Situations with an angry or upset student or parent, but they do not pose a threat.
• An employee does not feel in danger but wants help.
• When an employee is just overwhelmed, such as if there are too many students or people are being boisterous, again not in danger (yet).
• An obnoxious or disruptive student in a classroom.
• Need help from colleague.
Please email a list of who you would contact in a low level emergency. This would be a colleague who sits near you or is close to your area, but is not on the other side of campus. Thank you!