*You can register for most events at any time. We will reach out with important information a few days before each event takes place.
Spring 2025 Event Calendar
Date and Time | Event | Modality | Registration |
February 5 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm |
CWR + IFC Zine Making Workshop | In-Person | Register Now |
February 8 9:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Dissertation Bootcamp | Online | Register Now |
February 18 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
Literature Reviews: Engaging with Previous Sources Webinar | Online | Register Now |
February 20 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm |
Positionality in Academic Writing: Location, Representation, and Voice | In-Person | Register Now |
February 22 10:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Productivity Saturday | Hybrid | Register Now for In-Person Register Now for Online |
March 8 10:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Students of Color Writing Retreat | Online | Register Now |
March 11 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm |
Introduction to Fulbright Awards | Online | Register Now |
March 13 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm |
CWR+SLDL+CPD: Craft your Perfect Resume | In-Person (Burkle 26) | Register Now |
April 5 10:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Productivity Saturday | Hybrid | Register Now for In-Person |
April 7 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm |
ADC In Conversation w/ Dr. Poblete: Community Centered Approaches to Historical and Public Health Archives | In-Person | Register Now |
April 8 9:00 am – 12:00 pm |
One-Day Fulbright Intensive | In-Person | Register Now |
May 1 12:00 -m – 1:00 pm |
Getting Started with Fulbright (Understanding the Application) | Online | Register Now |
May 3 10:00 am – 3:30 pm |
End of Semester Outdoor Productivity Event at the Botanic Gardens | In-Person | Register Now |

CWR Writing & Work Events
Weekend Dissertation Bootcamps
What are dissertation bootcamps?
Our weekend dissertation bootcamps are two days of structured writing blocks and breaks (using an adapted version of the Pomodoro method) with a working lunch that features a group conversation on the dissertation process. The days also begin with a goal-setting activity and end with a reflection. The main goals of bootcamps are to provide community space, increase productivity, and develop sustainable habits that participants can utilize after the event. With the end of coursework, many graduate students report a loss of peer engagement and structured academic work time, two things that have been shown to increase the rate at which students finish doctoral degrees and the time in which they do it. Dissertation bootcamps fill this gap by providing both along with practices to help approach and complete long writing projects.
Participants will learn how to break down their long projects into chunks to stay productive even with the other demands of life. They will also have the opportunity to hear about strategies that have worked for other dissertators as well as meet with the writing consultant facilitator to briefly discuss anything about their dissertation, proposal, or thesis. There have been countless success stories over the years of graduate students regularly attending bootcamps as one of the essential ways they consistently made progress of their final degree milestone.
Dates for online Weekend Dissertation Bootcamps
* All Bootcamps will be held from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
*Each Dissertation Bootcamp features an optional workshop session for participants to develop various aspects of their writing process.

Can I come?
Current CGU students who are ABD, working on a dissertation proposal, or working on a Master’s thesis are eligible to attend the weekend boot camps. Space is limited and application review is generally first-come, first-served — but we do consider other factors to ensure that as many students as possible can participate. Proposal and Master’s thesis students are considered after all ABD students’ applications have been reviewed.
How do I know if i’ve been accepted to attend?
We normally notify all applicants of their status via email during the week prior to the weekend camp. If we are unable to accept you, we can place you on a waiting list and will notify you of any spaces that become available as soon as possible.

Productivity Saturdays
Mark your calendars! We are excited to offer additional opportunities for you to write or work with us! Productivity Saturdays –a single day writing session– has replaced our 1-day writing retreats and is similarly open to students at any stage to work on any type of school-related project. Spend the day with peers reading, notetaking, outlining, drafting, preparing a presentation, revising, or doing any other class or milestone work. These write-in dates will be facilitated by a CWR consultant and offer accountability, guided work blocks, and 15 minute one-on-one breakout sessions.
Dates for HYBRID Productivity Saturday
* All Productivity Saturdays will be held from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Write-In Studio
Are you looking to join a community of scholars working on their projects in order to get motivated to complete your own goals? Students writing, reading, or studying in the coursework, qualifying exams, or thesis/dissertation phases are encouraged to join our CWR consultant-facilitated working hours. These sessions offer accountability and guided work blocks with a facilitated discussion about different aspects of writing in graduate school. This student-centered event provides space to students across disciplines and at different stages in their degree programs to participate remotely in a real-time study group virtually. Additionally, students can request 15-minute one-on-one breakout sessions to ask the CWR consultant pointed questions about their work or process. Show up with a project or deadline and the CWR consultant will help you navigate 2 focused hours of work and scheduled breaks. We look forward to guiding motivated work blocks with you. Please register for CWR Write-In Studio meetings in advance through Zoom.
Dates for online WRITE-IN STUDIOS TBA
Students of Color Writing Retreats
The Center for Writing and Rhetoric offers closed Students of Color Writing Retreats. This is an inclusive space by and for students of color to keep each other accountable to writing goals and discuss writing in a supportive environment. Writing consultants facilitate goal-setting, work blocks, breaks, and a lunch discussion in a similar format to the CWR’s other work events but adapted to provide a shared community space for students of color.
DATES FOR ONLINE Students of Color Writing Retreats
* All Students of Color Writing Retreats will be held from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Queer Writing Retreat
The Queer Writing Retreat will offer queer and trans students the chance to build community with one another and attend a mid-day mini workshop. This retreat aims to empower queer and trans students’ knowledge and expertise while remaining productive and accountable. Participants have the option to meet with a Writing Consultant one-on-one using, and there will be activities like queer trivia, community discussion, and rooms with music and virtual galleries.
This is an inclusive space by and for Queer people and allies to keep each other accountable to our writing goals and for all of us to discuss our writing in a supportive environment.
Our Queer Writing Retreats our currently on hiatus.
* The Queer Writing Retreat will be held virtually from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.
ADC End of Semester Productivity Event at the Botanic Gardens
Join us at the California Botanic Garden for our Outdoor Writing Workshop, and read or write amidst natural surroundings to inspire our work.
In order to receive free admission, students must sign up by 12:00 pm Friday, April 26. Admission after this deadline will be $6.00 at the door. Please note that if you do not confirm your attendance by Friday, April 26 at noon we cannot guarantee that we can meet your dietary restrictions. If you register after noon on this date, please be prepared to bring your own packed lunch.
Summer Dissertation Bootcamp
How is it different from the weekend boot camp?
The Summer Dissertation Bootcamp is a multi-day writing event that lasts from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each day. During this time, you will work with peers at a similar stage as you in structured writing blocks. Through communal lunch conversations, guest visits, and workshop sessions, you will dedicate hours of work time to your project while also learning strategies for the writing process. Students who have attended this event in the past have had great success in gaining momentum to complete their dissertations.
Can I come?
There is an application process for the week-long bootcamp. All applicants are required to submit a detailed work plan detailing specific writing goals for the event. Additionally, an email confirmation from your advisor that you have discussed your plan with them is required. Our summer bootcamp is open to folks at both the dissertation and dissertation proposal stages.
How do I apply?
- Eligible students must submit an application which includes a brief statement on how you hope to benefit from the Bootcamp and a detailed Writing Plan for the bootcamp.
- You should discuss your proposed writing goals with your dissertation chair.
- Your chair must email us at cwr@cgu.edu with approval of your Summer Dissertation Bootcamp writing plan.
Apply to Attend In-Person OR ONLINE Summer Dissertation bootcamp
- Stay tuned for upcoming dates
Can I apply for both summer dissertation bootcamps?
Yes! Students are welcome to apply for both the in-person and online Summer Dissertation Bootcamp. Please note that you should develop a separate writing plan for each event.
Workshops & Webinars
Code-Meshing in Graduate Writing Workshop
Code-meshing describes a process of mixing and combining language from one’s own cultural background to produce new words and meanings. In this workshop, we will address how to code-mesh in the graduate setting with regards to writing style, language, tone, and content. We will brainstorm ideas for code-meshing in our own work and analyze examples that include the work of CGU students and published scholars.