Mission, Vision, & Values

CGU Strategic Plan

Board of Trustees



CGU History

Campus Location:
Harper 155

Mailing Address:
150 E. 10th Street, Claremont, CA 91711


Fax: 909-607-655


Daisy Rusli
Director, ORSPG
Phone: 909-607-9296
Email: daisy.rusli@cgu.edu

Eliana Leon
Senior Grants and Contracts Analyst
Phone: 909-607-8544
Email: eliana.leon@cgu.edu

James Griffith
IRB Manager
Email: james.griffith2@cgu.edu
Phone: 909-607-9405

IRB Correspondence: IRB@cgu.edu

Office of Research, Sponsored Programs & Grants

Welcome to the CGU Office of Research, Sponsored Programs & Grants. This office serves a variety of needs and objectives relating to research and related academic activities at CGU. Our primary missions are to be the focal point for relationships with external sponsors, promote the ethical conduct of research, and seed local research initiatives.

Sponsored funding via grants, contracts, fellowships, and cooperative agreements — the principal categories of awards — flows from government agencies, foundations, other universities and colleges, medical centers, and scholarly associations. (For lists of recent awards, see below.) Our ethical guidance is aligned with principles and procedures that have been developed by national and international commissions, professional organizations, and regulatory agencies. Seed funding comes from the generosity of CGU’s donors and benefactors.

We work closely with Post Award Grants, the Office of Advancement, the Provost’s Office, the schools and other academic units, and individual faculty and student research investigators. Our house has many doors and windows.

ORSPG serves the following principal functions:

  • We assist CGU faculty in preparing and submitting proposals and applications for extramural funding to support research and training programs. The proposal support services we offer include budget review and development; advice on proposal strategies; providing institutional assurances and certifications; checking for procedural compliance; working with counterparts in collaborating organizations; and electronic assembly and submission. We have the primary institutional authority to transmit and execute sponsored grant and contract documents on behalf of the University.
  • We receive awards to the University, negotiate their terms and conditions when needed, provide information to the post-award units that set up and administer financial accounts, and during the course of an award, we continue serving as institutional liaison with sponsoring agencies for administrative matters.
  • We prepare and negotiate subrecipient agreements (subawards or subcontracts) with research collaborators and consultants to sponsored programs, except when the dollar value of such agreements falls below a threshold of $5,000, in which case another office with which we work closely takes the lead: Post Award Grants and Contracts.
  • We alert and advise CGU faculty and research staff regarding external funding opportunities and related developments that correspond to their research needs and interests. This advice includes continuous scanning of centralized opportunity notices such as keyword-filtered feeds from grants.gov and foundation center online, and focused searches and/or strategic counsel on request.
  • We administer three internal funding programs that support faculty research and program initiatives as well as the all-CGU doctoral dissertation awards. We work closely with members of the Faculty Research Committee in formulating and operating these internal programs.
  • We implement selected research-related policies such as intellectual property and research integrity.
  • We house and support the CGU Institutional Review Board (IRB).The IRB oversees the protection and ethical treatment of participants in faculty and student research projects at CGU, Harvey Mudd College, and Keck Graduate Institute.
  • We offer workshops within the campus community on request, in any area of staff expertise.

Sponsored Program Awards

You can download here a list of awards for each fiscal year starting with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.

2022 – $6,450,301

2021 – $6,587,887

2020 – $3,821,229

2019 – $9,181,677

2018 – $3,807,638

2017 – $4,284,228

2016 – $5,274,908

2015 – $9,105,982

2014 – $5,323,835

2013 – $10,761,121

2012 – $6,895,170

2011 – $6,538,073

2010 – $11,826,396

2009 – $13,323,453

2008 – $5,729,950

2007 – $6,815,934