Do you and your colleagues want to start a writing group, but you aren’t sure how to begin? Learn how to facilitate writing, reading, or study groups with your peers with the assistance of a CWR consultant in order to amplify the effectiveness of your group. The CWR has developed an information session with practical tools to support your group in establishing successful work habits. To get started, email to request a visit from a CWR consultant to facilitate an introductory session with your group. We will connect in order to bring you the tools you need to succeed in maintaining a productive learning community with your peers. You will receive practical guides about how to run a working group as well as some tools for setting goals and planning long term projects.
Email with subject line “Self-Guided Writing Group” in order to schedule an informational visit to your writing group meeting by a CWR consultant.

Why participate in a writing group?
- Committing to a writing group helps to hold you and your peers accountable for showing up and working on your writing projects.
- Engaging with peers who are actively working on writing projects can provide a supportive atmosphere where you can share tips and tricks for best writing practices.
- The routine of setting goals each meeting can help you to create a habit of recording your priorities in a way that facilitates realistic daily task lists.
- Group discussions about the research and writing process provide a space for reflexive discussion that can aid in the development of a writing strategy toolbox to use when writing outside of your group meetings.
- The writing group provides a time and space to push your writing and explore other ways of approaching your writing project in a supportive setting amongst peers.
- Committing to a Self-Guided Writing Group requires that you are dedicated to the team of peers with which you write. It is important to maintain a regular meeting schedule that participants adhere to. This will help to get you writing on days you would rather procrastinate.