If this an emergency or someone is in danger, please call 911.
Claremont Graduate University is committed to providing a community that is respectful and supportive. CGU faculty, employees, students, and community members may elect one of the following links to report a concern to the University. Please note that you must be willing to provide sufficient information so that the reported concern can be fully investigated and resolved. A lack of specific information will only hinder and slow down the process. Claremont Graduate University may be unable to address the concern if insufficient information is provided about the involved individual(s), incident date and location, and what transpired.
Please report all Injuries immediately to Human Resources at human.resources@cgu.edu or Jalina Najera jalina.najera@cgu.edu
- If you have a work-related injury please fill out the Worker’s Compensation Package as soon as possible and return it to HR. Your supervisor will also need to fill out their section of the packet as well.
- Worker’s Compensation Packet 2025 – English
- Worker’s Compensation Packet 2025 – Spanish
- EE WC Procedures
TCCS WC Procedures – TravCARE & Clinics
- Non-sex-based Bullying
- Drug-Free Workplace
- Incident/Accident/Hazard Reporting of Employees
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
From On Campus: Dial extension 72000 or 7-SAFE (77233)
From Off Campus: 909-607-2000 or 909-607-SAFE (909-607-7233)
Address: Pendleton Business Building, 150 E. Eighth Street, Claremont, CA 91711
Please contact campus safety to report criminal activity. This may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Alcohol or Drugs
- Disruptive Behavior
- Physical Assault, Endangerment, and Threats
- Theft
Reporting incidents that may violate Title IX. Prohibited conduct includes:
- All forms of Sexual Assault
- Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Quid pro quo Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Exploitation
- Unwelcome conduct that is severe, pervasive and objectively offensive
Please use the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Reporting Form to report an offense.
Use the Bias Report Form to report any discrimination based on the following:
- Age
- Color
- Disability
- Genetic Information
- Gender Identity/expression
- National Origin
- Race
- Religion
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Status as a protected veteran
- Misuse or theft of University/department funds
- Blatant noncompliance with CGU policy
- Knowledge of any CGU employee engaged in illegal or unethical conduct on campus
Please use the Convercent site to make a report.
- Incident/Injury/Hazard Reporting
- Occupational & Industrial Risk Management & Safety Issues
Please use the Convercent to make a report.
- Academic Performance
- Attendance Issues
- Connectedness
- Financial Stability
- Homesickness
- Motivation Concerns
- Personal Challenges
- Wellness Concerns
- Please use the Share a Concern Form to voice your concern
- Student who has stopped attending class
- Significant change in life circumstance e.g. financial and food insecurity
- Emotional concerns e.g. hopelessness, anxiety, hostile outbursts
Faculty, staff, students, and others may refer a student who may be struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting concerning behavior.
Students referred will be contacted and offered assistance by the Dean of Students Office. Your concern will be routed to the appropriate office depending on the nature of the concern.
- Please use the iCare Form to refer students for help
- Colleague/faculty disagreements, concerns
- Policy and procedure questions
- Coaching for difficult, potentially hostile conversations
- Problems with supervisors
- Need objective perspective about a troubling situation
- Need advice about where to go for help/direction
- Request informal mediation or shuttle diplomacy
- Desire an informal solution to a problem
- Need to know options for problems that have no other clear path for resolution
The CGU Ombuds Office is currently vacant.
Campus members may want to consider the Dean of Students Office, Human Resources, or TCCS Security for assistance. These resources, however, may not be confidential.
CGU employees may seek confidential assistance from Optum (Employee Assistance Program) and CGU students may seek confidential assistance from Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services.