1098T Form & Educational Tax Credits

In accordance with IRS guidelines, Claremont Graduate University will provide qualified educational charges on the 1098-T Form. Eligible students will be required to consent to receive the form electronically.

Please note, the reported charges are based on the previous calendar year figures. This includes the spring, summer, and fall semesters.

How will I receive my 1098T Form?

  • These forms will be available online January 31st.
  • You may download the form via PeopleSoft. From Student Center, click the Financial Account tile. Select “Account Services” and then “View 1098T” to consent and download form. Refer to this guide for navigation steps with screenshots.

Please Note: If you did not provide CGU with a Social Security Number (or you do not have one), you will not have a form available to you. Also, if you have a foreign or non-U.S. address listed as your mailing address, you will not have a form available to you.

If you need to update your SSN, please schedule a Change of Information appointment with the Registrar’s Office to update your information. If you need to update your mailing address, you may do so via self-service in PeopleSoft.

You may then contact the Office of Student Accounts to ask that a 1098-T form be created for you.


Please contact the Office of Student Accounts to:

  • Retrieve additional copies of the 1098T
  • Get general 1098T information

Tax Advice

Although Claremont Graduate University provides the information that appears on your 1098T form, our staff is not qualified to answer any tax-related questions or give tax advice. You are encouraged to contact your individual tax preparer or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Additional Information