Graduate Student Council
We’re excited to announce the new Graduate Student Council leadership. Help us celebrate and welcome the incoming GSC student leaders for the next academic year.
Graduate Student Council Executive Board
Katja Crusius, President-Elect (CISAT)
Kaite Breen, Vice President-Elect (SAH)
Sara Jordan, Secretary-Elect (SAH)
Na’imah Muhammad, Treasurer-Elect (Drucker)
Graduate Student Council Standing Membership
Aldo Lopez, Diversity Representative-Elect (SSSPE)
Ama Kpegba, Diversity Representative-Elect (SSSPE)
Edward Headington, SSSPE Representative-Elect
Tiffany Shao, SSSPE Representative-Elect
Melody Isabela, SES Representative-Elect
Join us on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm on the DesCombes Family Quad to celebrate the end of the school year and meet the new GSC leadership. See you there!
In Community,
GSC Executive Board
Steve Flores, GSC President
Marclem Hernandez, GSC Vice President
Oscar Guerrero, GSC Secretary
Vaishnavi Mansabdar, GSC Treasurer