The Transdisciplinary Studies Program invites doctoral candidates who are advanced to candidacy and are within 18 months of expected graduation to apply for the 2024 – 2025 Transdisciplinary Studies Dissertation Award. The award recognizes students who are using transdisciplinary methodologies and perspectives in their research in innovative, creative, and compelling ways.

Award amount is up to up to $10,000 per award for the academic year. Funds are disbursed after the add/drop deadline for the respective fall and spring terms during the award year.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Current Registration as a doctoral student in any field of study at CGU.
  2. Completion of All Coursework for the PhD, with the exception of Dissertation Research units that have been approved by the faculty.
  3. Advancement to Candidacy including approval of the Dissertation Proposal and successful submission of the Advancement to Candidacy Form to the Registrar’s Office. If advancement to candidacy has not been recorded by the Registrar’s Office by the time of award notification, the student will have until Thursday, August 1st, 2024 to advance to candidacy or the award will be rescinded.
  4. A Reasonable Expectation of Completion of all remaining requirements for the PhD degree within 18 months of award notification.
  5. Doctoral Study Registration must be maintained for both the fall and spring terms for the award period. If doctoral registration is not maintained for both terms, the award will be rescinded.
  6. Recipients of a Transdisciplinary Studies Award may not accept a CGU Dissertation Award and vice versa; recipients may accept one award or the other, but not both awards.
  7. Previous Recipients of a CGU Dissertation Award or a Transdisciplinary Dissertation Award are not eligible to apply.
  8. Recipients of a Crossing Boundaries Research Award are eligible to apply for the TNDY Dissertation Award.

Evaluation Criteria

A Transdisciplinary Studies advisory committee will review all applications and select recipients. Selected proposals will demonstrate: a breadth of disciplinary methodologies and perspectives; a clear command of the research questions, contexts, and interpretations with generalizable merit and significance; methodological validity and feasibility of the project timeline; and a strong academic performance record. The specific criteria of evaluation and a rubric may be viewed and downloaded here: Evaluation Criteria Rubric (.pdf).

How To Apply

To apply, please submit the following items, using the linked airSlate form below.

  1. A Publishable Abstract* of your dissertation project (100 word maximum).
  2. A Synopsis of Your Dissertation Research Plan* including and organized by the following (1200 word maximum):
    1. The proposed dissertation title and the word count of the synopsis.
    2. The rationale and context within previous scholarship, specific aims, and projected significance of the proposed dissertation.
    3. The information-gathering and analytical methods and techniques used.
    4. The organizational plan (by chapter) of the dissertation.
    5. The following optional items may be included (items will not count toward 1200 word maximum for the synposis):
      1. Bibliographic information (one page maximum).
      2. Appendix material (one page maximum).
  3. An Academic Timeline* including the date of your advancement to candidacy and stages of progress (and completion) of your dissertation (one page maximum).
  4. A Budget Justification* explaining how you would use the dissertation award. Including, if relevant, an itemized budget for research expenses. University tuition and fees may be included, be sure to justify their inclusion (one page maximum).
  5. A Curriculum Vitae* (two pages maximum).
  6. One or more Draft Chapters* from your dissertation proposal (60 pages maximum).
  7. The Certification of Eligibility Statement** signed by the applicant and one member of the applicant’s dissertation committee certifying the applicant’s eligibility to apply for the award. No extra form, document, or email is required, this step is completed during the airSlate application process.

* Required Item

2025 - 2024 Application Period Closed

Applications are due by 5:00PM (pacific), Monday, April 08, 2024.

  • Key Dates:
    • Application Period Opens: Friday, January 26, 2024
    • Final Application Due Date: Monday, April 08, 2024
    • Award Disbursement #1 (first half): September 2024
    • Award Disbursement #2 (second half): February 2025
  • The Center for Writing & Rhetoric can provide one-on-one consultation support for applicants. The CWR is also hosting several events that applicants might find useful to attend. See the CWR’s Events page for more information.
  • Only doctoral students are eligible for the award.
  • Please note most reviewers of your application will be outside of your field of study, so write clearly and avoid or clearly define specialized terms or concepts.
  • The Transdisciplinary Studies Office will provide a copy of an applicant’s academic transcript to the review committee. Applicants do not need to provide an academic transcript in the application.

Questions? Need Help? Want to Learn More?

Interested in applying? Check out our frequently asked question section below. Interested in speaking with CGU staff about the Symposium? We are also hosting a series of prep sessions for students to assist applicants, see the FAQ section below for more information. You can also reach out to us directly @ too.

Transdisciplinary Studies Dissertation Award Fellows

It is our pleasure to announce the TNDY Dissertation Award Fellows for 2024 – 2025. The recipients and brief descriptions of their dissertation projects are listed below. This is an impressive set of projects and illustrates that high quality, high impact research is being conducted across all disciplines here at CGU.

The Transdisciplinary Studies Dissertation Award is generously funded by the “Richter Memorial Funds Master Code, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee.” The Transdisciplinary Studies Program thanks them for their generous support of our students and their research.

Chasen Jeffries

Division of Politics & Economics (DPE)

“Navigating the Nexus of Patent Systems and Innovation: A Transdisciplinary Approach”

Trevor Anthony

School of Arts & Humanities (SAH)

“Culture and Crisis: Recapturing the Promise of Cultural Studies”

Robin Lehleitner

School of Arts & Humanities (SAH)

“A Textual-Critical Translation of Paul Tillich’s World War I Sermons”

Yone Rodriguez

School of Educational Studies (SES)

“Latinx Mothers’ Experience and Navigation of Home-School Collaboration during the Pre-Referral Stage”

Kevin Nguyen

School of Educational Studies (SES)

“Unveiling Career Ambitions: The Role of Human, Social, and Cultural Capital among California Community College Classified Staff”

Elisa Slee

School of Educational Studies (SES)

“The Transformative Power of STEM: Oral History Narratives of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Pursuing STEM Degrees”

Ann Marie Castleman

Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences (DBOS)

“The Power to Commission: Exploring the Evaluation Capacity and the Transformative Role of Evaluation Commissioners in the International Development Sector”

Past Dissertation Award Fellows