
Drop-in Hours:
10am – 12:00 pm

1:00pm-3:00 pm

Make an appointment
Harper Hall East
(Campus Map)

Mailing address:
160 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711


Definition of Alumni

For the purposes of this policy, alumni are CGU students who have earned a CGU degree and are not currently enrolled in a degree program at CGU.

Participants in degree programs at CGU are considered current students regardless if the student has earned a previous degree from CGU. For these individuals, continuing student policies and procedures apply.

Individuals who previously attended CGU, but did not receive a degree, are not considered alumni for the purpose of this policy. These individuals may enroll in summer courses as a Summer Visitor or must petition for reinstatement as a CGU student. If the last semester of enrollment for the former student was five or more years in the past, an application through Admissions is required. Tuition and fees for the semester of enrollment apply for all enrolled and visiting students.

Alumni Enrollment in Courses

Enrollment in courses must be completed before the Add/Drop deadline for regular session announced in the Academic Calendar for the semester of interest.

  1. Download and complete the Registration Form for Visiting Students (available on the Registrar’s Form Index).
  2. Permission of the instructor is required for the alumnus to enroll in any course, whether on a graded or audit basis.
  3. The alumnus’ signature is required on the registration form.
  4. The completed form is submitted to the academic department. Upon approval, the form is sent to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  5. Payment of fees is made to Student Accounts.

Alumni are limited to no more than 12 units or three courses on an alumni registration basis. Beyond that, students should return to CGU as a student in a new degree program. Refer to CGU instructions regarding Admission.

Alumni Tuition and Fees

Applicable tuition and fees are available from the Tuition & Fees table on the Student Accounts website. The following provisions apply to alumni who meet the definition above and who are taking classes for personal enrichment; alumni rates are not eligible for students seeking an additional degree at CGU.

  • A 50% discount off the current per unit rate applies, provided the total number of enrolled units in the semester is less than 12.
  • No discount applies to enrollment in 12 or more units.
  • The CGU Student Fee/Technology Fee is required during each semester of enrollment.
  • Department aid is not available for non-degree seeking students.
  • Refunds, if any, are based upon Add/Drop deadlines posted in the Academic Calendar.

Note: Per federal requirements, financial aid is NOT available to alumni and students in non-degree programs, such as Certificate programs.

Alumni Transcript Records

The CGU transcript is an official record of an individual’s enrollment at the University. When an alumnus is enrolled for courses in a new term, the term is created on the student’s transcript and the course or courses recorded, similar to other CGU courses taken by the student. All grades received are factored into the student’s GPA.

If the alumnus is subsequently admitted as a student, courses taken as an alumnus at the discounted rate may not be counted toward the student’s degree program.

CGU Referral Program

Do you know an individual who would be a great fit for a graduate program at CGU?

Complete this form to refer them and pay it forward. If the referred student applies, their application fee will be waived. Upon enrollment, they will also receive a $1,000 fellowship to use toward their first-term tuition.