Estimated Cost of Attendance Calculator

F1 and J1 regulations require that each international student and scholar provide proof of funding for their intended program. The calculator below determines the cost for ONE SEMESTER. New students should estimate the cost of attendance for two semesters.

Students enrolled in International Scholars Program (ISP) should review the cost of attendance for their academic degree program.

The Office of Student Accounts and the Office of Financial Aid determine the fees associated with cost of attendance each year. Actual costs will vary according to unit enrollment, semesters enrolled, and living arrangements.

Your Academic Status

Number of spouse dependent

Number of child dependents

Calculated Costs Per Semester
Student Service Fee:
Technology Fee:
Living Expense:
Spouse Dependent Expense:
Child Dependents Expense:

Living expenses include rent, food, transportation, and other expenses. Those who provide proof of annual housing fees (i.e. rent) less than $16,000 should email for consideration to lower the overall living expenses cost. Examples of approved documents include signed rental lease agreements, or its equivalency. The additional $5,000 in living expenses is non-negotiable.

CBM Arts fees include a mandatory travel fee of $6,800.

Tuition for the Engineering and Computational Mathematics is split between 12 units at CGU and 12 units at CSULB.