
Drop-in Hours:
10am – 12:00 pm

1:00pm-3:00 pm

Make an appointment
Harper Hall East
(Campus Map)

Mailing address:
160 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711

Completed PDF forms may be returned to the Registrar’s Office in person or through the CGU PDF Form Submission (airSlate) link. Non-PDF forms are done through airSlate and are automatically routed to the appropriate individuals/offices.

Forms for Faculty & Staff

Form Submissions

Submit CGU Registrar PDF Forms

Signatures. Forms that are submitted without required signatures will not be processed. Sign and scan PDF forms that require signatures, or attach email approvals from (or other Claremont Colleges) email addresses.
PDF files. Ideally, the form and any supporting documents should be contained in one PDF file or PDF portfolio. If you are unable to merge PDF files, you may upload forms, approval emails and other documentation as separate PDF files.
Standard file-naming conventions. StudentLastName, StudentFirstName – FormType date.pdf For example: “Montano, Camila-degree change 03.31.2022.pdf”
Convert files to PDF: Word or Excel , or Email


Degree Progress

Student Records

Leave, Withdraw, and Return

Personal Information

*airSlate form (Chrome is the preferred browser for airSlate forms)

Contact Us

To comply with social distancing and public health guidelines, the Registrar’s Office staff remains ready to assist the CGU community through email and other distance methods as well as appointment-based meetings on campus. For ongoing updates related to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), please visit CGU’s COVID-19 Status page.

Telephone: 909-621-8285
Physical location: Harper Hall East (Campus Map)
Mailing address: 150 E. 10th St., Claremont, CA 91711
Drop-in Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-12pm and 1-3pm

Appointments can be made for meetings.

Registrar’s Office Staff:

    • Vannessa Alvarado, Registrar
    • Bryce Kerns, Assistant Registrar