Completed PDF forms must be returned to the Registrar’s Office through the CGU PDF Form Submission (airSlate) link. Non-PDF forms are done through airSlate and are automatically routed to the appropriate individuals/offices.
Forms for Faculty & Staff
Form Submissions
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Signatures. Forms that are submitted without required signatures will not be processed. Sign and scan PDF forms that require signatures, or attach email approvals from (or other Claremont Colleges) email addresses.
PDF files. Ideally, the form and any supporting documents should be contained in one PDF file or PDF portfolio. If you are unable to merge PDF files, you may upload forms, approval emails and other documentation as separate PDF files.
Standard file-naming conventions. StudentLastName, StudentFirstName – FormType date.pdf For example: “Montano, Camila-degree change 03.31.2022.pdf”
Convert files to PDF: Word or Excel , or Email
- Add/Drop/Class Withdraw (PDF)
- Audit Registration*
- Incomplete Grade Extension (PDF)
- Independent Coursework Contract*
- Registration – Claremont Colleges classes (PDF)
- Registration – Visiting Students (PDF)
Degree Progress
- Application for a Subsequent Degree (PDF)
- Apply CGU Coursework to Additional Degree (PDF)
- Approved Dissertation Proposal Change Request (PDF)
- Commencement Registration Form*
- Bulletin Year Change Form (PDF)
- Degree Change Request (PDF)
- Dissertation Committee – Record or Change (PDF)
- Dissertation Defense Announcement Request (PDF)
- Dual Degree Coursework Proposal (PDF)
- Dual Degree Worksheet
- Extension of Time to Degree Request*
- Intent to Receive a Degree*
(Spring 2025)
- Commencement Registration Form (May 2025 Ceremony)
- Interfield Coursework Proposal (PDF)
- Research Tool Approval
- Transfer Credit Request (PDF)
Student Records
- Enrollment Verification / Official Letter Request*
- Replacement/Duplicate Diploma (links to external site)
- Student File Copy Request (PDF)
- Transcript Requests (links to external site)
Leave, Withdraw, and Return
- Leave of Absence Request*
- Reinstatement Application (PDF)
- Withdraw from CGU (PDF) – coming soon (use Add/Drop/Class Withdraw)
Personal Information
- Enrollment and Financial Agreement (text copy only)
- FERPA Restriction (Non-Disclosure of Directory Information) (PDF)
- FERPA Release (Release information to a 3rd party) (PDF)
- Name, Contact, and Personal Information Changes (PDF)
*airSlate form (Chrome is the preferred browser for airSlate forms)