OIT provides access to the following applications:

If you would like to purchase software for your personal computer, please click here to take advantage of academically discounted offers.



Software Title Description Availability
Microsoft Office Includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook Staff/Faculty computers and computer labs
Adobe CS5 Includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Soundbooth Computer labs: on specific computers only
Adobe Acrobat Pro For editing and creating PDFs; please contact helpdesk@cgu.edu about purchasing it for staff/faculty computers Staff/Faculty computers and computer labs (on specific computers only)
Atlasti Qualitative analysis software.  Please visit the website at atlasti.com and create an account.  You MUST use your CGU email address.  Once your account has been created, please use this web page to get a license and download the software: https://my.atlasti.com/licenses/redeem/activate/I-361-FF4-B95-110 Students/Staff/Faculty home use and in computer labs
Director’s Desk Communication and information management system for boards and committees Restricted access to faculty and staff
IBM SPSS Statistics analysis software; includes the Missing Values module and AMOS Office computers and computer labs
SPSS is available through the Apporto platform.  Please visit cgu.apporto.com and log in with your CGU email. Faculty/staff
home use and laptops
SPSS is available through the Apporto platform.  Please visit cgu.apporto.com and log in with your CGU email. Students
MATLAB A high-level programming language and interactive environment for technical computing, and includes functions for algorithm development, data analysis, numeric computation, and visualization. Office computers and computer labs
Faculty can install MATLAB on their personal computer by following these instructions. A CGU email address is required to complete the steps. Faculty/staff
home use and laptops
Students can install MATLAB on their personal computer by following these instructions. A CGU email address is required to complete the steps. Student home use
Everyone who has created a Mathworks account associated with CGU’s Matlab license, using the steps above, can also use Matlab online, via a web page. You can access Matlab online Online use via web page
SAS Statistics analysis software Office computers and computer labs
Students can access SAS from their personal laptop through the Apporto platform. Please visit cgu.apporto.com and log in with your CGU email.
Please click here for more information, including links to tutorials.
STATA Statistics analysis software Networked office computers and computer labs
Students can purchase STATA at a discounted price by visiting the STATA online ordering web page. Students
TABLEAU Data analysis and visualization software. Self install
Faculty can download a free copy of Tableau by visiting the web page at www.tableau.com/academic/teaching Faculty
Students can download a free copy of Tableau by visiting the web page at www.tableau.com/academic/students Students
Qualtrics An online service that allows users to easily collect, analyze, and act on large amounts of unstructured data with little or no programming. One can easily create surveys, have people take the surveys, and then analyze the results Via the portal at my.cgu.edu
Canvas CGU’s learning management system; every course has a Canvas course site automatically created for it; allows for the sharing of resources, collaboration, discussions, etc Via the web; please contact helpdesk@cgu.edu for access
TurnItIn Check documents for plagiarism Via the web; instructors: please contact helpdesk@cgu.edu for access
Students: please send an email to helpdesk@cgu.edu, requesting access to the Turnitin class called Paper Check to self check your paper
Adobe Acrobat Reader Used to view PDF files; download the software here Via the web
Apple QuickTime Player Used to view QuickTime movies; download the software here Via the web
VLC Media Player Multimedia player; download the softwre here Via the web
Diigo Store bookmarks, notes and images; access them from anywhere with an internet connection; www.diigo.com Cloud based software
DropBox Store files to Dropbox and access them from anywhere with an internet connection; www.dropbox.com Cloud based software
Evernote Store and organize notes, images, screen shots, web page clippings, etc.; access them from anywhere with an internet connection; www.evernote.com Cloud based software
Audacity Sound recorder and editor Open source software
GIMP Image editor, similar to Adobe Photoshop; www.gimp.org Open source software
G*Power Performs high-precision statistical power analyses for the most common statistical tests in behavioral research Open source software
InfraRecorder Software for making CDs & DVDs; infrarecorder.org Open source software
R A language and an environment for statistical computing and graphics; www.r-project.org Open source software
Zotero A free application to collect, manage, and cite research sources; www.zotero.org
(TCCS Library support provided at https://library.claremont.edu/zotero/)
Open source software