Digital Syllabus

CGU’s Office of the Provost creates and distributes the current syllabus format for the university. The Office of the Provost also requests updates, enhancements, changes, and revisions to the digital syllabus that is loaded into Canvas course sites. The current digital syllabus format will be pre-loaded into Canvas each time a fresh, new course is created. If faculty are reusing content from a past course, however, existing materials may not be accurate. Faculty are welcome to ask OIT to load a fresh, new digital syllabus template into a Canvas course site at any time. Just contact the help desk. Additional information is provided to faculty in the Online Faculty Resource Center.

Note: Some programs have worked with designers to create a custom syllabus format for their Canvas course sites. The OIT Digital Learning team will work hard to ensure custom syllabi are maintained with accurate updates as requested by the academic unit as well as the university and other potential stakeholders.

  • Digital Syllabus – Body Section: The syllabus description is where faculty can post a course description, a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information.
  • Digital Syllabus – Companion Navigation Menu:  Canvas provides companion links for global/central information to supplement syllabi. This includes:
    • Requirements & Responsibilities
    • Student Resources
    • Center for Writing & Rhetoric
    • The Claremont Colleges Library
  • Digital Syllabus – Course Summary:  Canvas auto-generates a robust course summary based on the elements, dates, and features leveraged for the semester. Course Summary features include:
    • Calendar
    • Assignment Groups & Grade Weighting
    • Course Schedule

Canvas Modules

Modules provide an organizational system for bundling information, activities, assignments, and other course content into an easy-to-follow format. Additionally, Modules are chronologic. Students will have an opportunity to complete an item, then click “Next” at the bottom of the screen to reach the next item.

Most courses at CGU are 15 modules in length.

  • One course information module
  • 14 weekly learning modules

Accelerated or 2-unit courses are usually 8 modules in length.

  • One course information module
  • 7 weekly learning modules

These modules provide the appropriate length for full semester-length or M1/M2-length courses, including a break between modules when required for holiday break and/or finals week.

Assignments & Activities

Canvas provides faculty and students with a secure, portable, enhanced interface for assignments. By using Canvas to assign, submit, grade, and provide feedback, CGU can cut down on wasted resources while making students’ and instructors’ lives easier. Some options include:

  • Online Discussion Forums
  • Quizzes and Exams
  • Assignment Submission
  • Peer Review
  • Group Work
  • ePortfolios

In addition, Canvas includes robust rubric, outcomes mapping, and gradebook tools.

Integrated Tools and Technology

CGU provides optional tools and technologies through Canvas. You can learn more through the Online Faculty Resource Center. To request available integrations, contact the Help Desk.

  • Microsoft 0365 LTIs
  • Zoom Videoconferencing (limited licenses available)
  • Perusall Collaboration and Annotation Tool
  • Turnitin Originality Checker
  • Rosalyn Proctoring
  • Canvas Outcomes and Mastery Paths