Claremont Graduate University has adopted Microsoft Bookings as part of the Microsoft Suite of applications. Microsoft Bookings offers a way to hold office hours for students, meet with mentees who are not in a registered in a course or in a Canvas site, and streamline meeting scheduling. Appointments will appear in your Office 365 calendar with automated integration. This option is especially useful if you need to:

  • schedule office hours outside of regular meeting times,
  • book office hours for a group of teaching assistants for a class, or
  • book office hours for staff of a campus center, project, or group.

Note: The Bookings tool is available to many members of the CGU community. The tool is most effective for users of Microsoft Outlook. Users of other calendaring tools will not be able to take advantage of syncing features that allow Bookings to prevent appointment conflicts with an individual calendar. If Bookings is not available on your account, please contact the help desk to request access.

Getting Started

Using Bookings